
From a small, homely family gathering to an extravaganza gala, we provide unwavering support and dazzling flowers for your next event.
We work our power to transform the atmosphere into whatever kind of feeling you’d like. We help you make the necessary decisions to best suit whichever event you are hosting, or helping with. We will decide together when considering each individual element of the event, and you may enjoy sitting down and having a cup of coffee while visiting our beautiful shop.
We consider all aspects of your event, from the venue to the number of attendees, so that the finest results can be achieved. Misses Fleuri eagerly welcomes any ideas you may have or inspiration, so that the result far exceeds any expectations set by you, family, friends and visitors. Be prepared to receive endless compliments from event attendees when they see beautiful flowers on display that you have considerately helped design! We are longing to be able to meet you, and offer our full support to make sure your event shines above all others.